
Tell our elected leaders to reject nuclear power


Both the Biden Administration and California Governor Gavin Newsom have recently released statements signaling a renewed interest in new investments in nuclear power plants, and in keeping old facilities like California’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant open past their planned shutdown dates. Send letters to them today demanding they reject nuclear power as unsafe, unsustainable, and uneconomical, and double down on real climate solutions like renewable energy, energy storage, and energy efficiency.

Not all low-carbon energy sources are created equal, and nuclear power has many serious drawbacks that make it unacceptable for the U.S.: it's expensive, can fail catastrophically, produces radioactive waste that has to be contained for tens of thousands of years, doesn't move our country closer to energy independence, and hampers our transition to actually clean power sources. Diablo Canyon in particular is a serious danger to California's Central Coast and the entire West Coast because it is cited directly on several tectonic fault lines near a major population center, highly productive croplands, and a marine sanctuary, is constantly leaking radioactive tritium into the groundwater, and has no long-term plan for storing or disposing of its nuclear waste. We have real climate solutions available; it’s time to leave nuclear power in the past to make the future safe and just for all.
